2-3 grades


3rd Grade History Class

In class, Thursday May 14th, students presented their desired speech ranging from Ronald Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Susan B. Anthony. Our students did a phenomenal job presenting with calmed nerves, plenty of preparation, proper inflection, and engaging their audience with eye contact.

Toward the end of class we talked about King David who reigned over Israel some 3,000 years ago. I challenged them to find in Psalm 139 the verses where David was speaking as a warrior, shepherd, and good friend.

Be ready to recite Psalm 139 1-24 5/21/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Students recite Psalm 139 1-24 two times in front of the mirror and two times in front of their parents.

Day 2- Students recite Psalm 139 1-24 two times in front of the mirror and two times in front of their parents.

Day 3- Ask Jesus how is the God of the past, present, and future.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240





3rd Grade History Class

In class, Thursday May 7th, students brought in their desired speech ranging from Ronald Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Susan B. Anthony. It was great to hear from one of the parents of how the Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech caused her children to watch the Space Shuttle to see the gravity of the situation.

We first started with a brainstorming session, students sharing what they thought made for a great presentation. A list was put together to calm nerves, memorize parts of your speech, vocalize, inflection, be knowledgeable (research), pronunciation, eye contact, be prepared, and concentrate. They read about two minutes of their speech in class to practice from their ideas.

Be ready to give your 4 minutes prepared speech 5/14/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Students read there selected speech two times in front of the mirror and two times in front of their parents.

Day 2- Students read there selected speech two times in front of the mirror and two times in front of their parents.

Day 3- Praying for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Asking God to give you supernatural confidence.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240


3rd Grade History Class

In class, Thursday April 30th, students turned the THINK acronym report on their assigned missionary book.  Identifying their missionaries talent, hope, insight, niceness,and knowledge.

We discussed the Cold War and the real threat of nuclear war with USSR (Russia) and the USA. We also listened to the Martin Luther King “I have a dream” speech, John F. Kennedy inaugural address in 1961, and lastly the Ronald Reagan “Evil Empire” speech in 1983.

True equality was not found until women could vote and the African Americans were free from segregation in the South. Our freedom is real in our faith in Jesus and not our faith in the state taking care of us.

There is no better place to learn then to read the transcripts of the great speeches. I have asked students with their parent’s permission to go to Historyplace.com then on the left hand column click on Speech of the Week then below the transcript in red is listed The History Place – Great speeches Collection. You can also click on the link below. http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/previous.htm

Choose three to four transcripts to read out-loud with your parents. For our next class we will bring in the transcript you want to present for our May 14th speeches.

We also received our new textbook for our last three classes.  Each student read out-loud one paragraph of the 50th story on the nuclear bomb dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan.

One great speech transcript due to turn in on 5/7/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read one speech transcript on HistoryPlace.com

Day 2- Read one speech transcript on HistoryPlace.com

Day 3- Read one or two speech transcripts on HistoryPlace.com

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240





In class on April 16th, 2015, I read out-loud the Heroes For Young Readers Adoniram Judson book, who was one of the first American missionaries to serve in a foreign land.   Through classroom instruction we worked together to identify Adoniram talent of preaching the gospel. He changed his hope from his worldly friends to a personal relationship with Christ. God gave him insight (revelation) of the need the Burmese people had for Christian missionaries to translate into their own language. He was so kind to travel half way around the world to give it all up for Christ. Adoniram knowledge of the Old and New Testament made him very valuable in the Burmese people understanding God’s purpose for them. We learned in class how our God and Father desire us to repent (turn) of our sins and draw close to Him.

Please have your child read their chosen book in how the missionary story shows Christians serving people with the love and salvation of Christ.

Each Student is getting to choose a sticker to apply to their created bookmark for every book they have read.

Homework due 4/30/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Identify and write down your person talent, hope, insight, niceness, and knowledge.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240




In class on March 26th, 2015, I read out-loud the Heroes For Young Readers Nate Saint book using around 15 minutes of class-time. Please have your child read their chosen book in how the missionary story shows Christians serving people with the love and salvation of Christ. Each Student is getting to choose a sticker to apply to their created bookmark for every book they have read.

Homework due 4/16/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Identify and write down your person talent, hope, insight, niceness, and knowledge.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.


Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240






3rd Grade History

In class on March 19th, 2015, I read out-loud the Heroes For Young Readers Jim Elliot book using around 15 minutes of class-time. Please have your child read their chosen book in how the missionary story shows Christians serving people with the love and salvation of Christ.  Each Student is getting to choose a sticker to apply to their created bookmark for every book they have read.

The student presented their last part of their historical figures. They have made dramatic improvement in their public speaking skills. We are working on eye contact with the audience, standing upright, and clearly stating the person of historical significance.

This week we started a two-week series on Missionaries across the world. Christians have made the most impact when they serve with intention going into the toughest environments.

Homework due 3/26/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Memorize Proverbs 2:6 NKJV; Say out-loud five times

Day 2- Memorize THINK BIG Acronym

Day 3- Identify and write down your person talent, hope, insight, niceness, and knowledge.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd Grade History

In class on March 12th, 2015, we read the 4th and 5th grade journals on George Washington.   The kids had a blast making CHESS Christian Bookmarks. Purple and green duct tape were put together then cut into different shapes.  Each student received a sticker of their choice to apply to their bookmark for every book they read.  Students are working on reading their sixth and final book of important historical figures.

During class each student did an excellent job in presenting the books they read. It is encouraging to see their faces and expression come alive when they describe the events with their important historical figures.

Next week we will start a two-week series on Missionaries across the world. Christians have made the most impact when they serve with intention going into the toughest environments.

Homework due 3/19/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1– Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2– Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3– Please be ready to share, what you learned from reading your Story Book with the class on March 19th.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd Grade History

In class on March 5th, 2015, we listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) in Chapter 13 titled Patriot Victories. We learned about General George Washington, who was now fighting against Great Britain in the Revolutionary War to establish America’s independence.

Students are working on reading their fifth book of important historical figures. They are gaining insight in how our Forefathers fought courageously for our independence in separating from Great Britain.

During class each student did an excellent job in presenting the books they read. It is encouraging to see their faces and expression come alive when they describe the events with their important historical figures.

Next week will be our last time in reading the book series covering North America.   Now our students have a better understanding of the courageous leaders.

After next week, we will have a two-week series on Missionaries across the world. Christians have made the most impact when they serve with intention going into the toughest environments.

Homework due 3/12/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Please be ready to share, what you learned from reading your Story Book with the class on March 12th.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd Grade History

In class on February 26th, 2015, we listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) Chapter 6 learning about promoted Colonel George Washington, who fought with the British against the French and Indians in the Ohio Valley.

Students are working on reading their fourth book of important historical figures. They are starting to learn our Forefathers fought courageously for our independence in separating from Great Britain.

Children worked on memorizing Galatians 5:25-26. Discussion arose about independence and freedom from people’s opinion, caring primarily what the Lord thinks about us. We are all originals made unique and special by God. Each student shared their gifting’s and interest granted by the Holy Spirit.

Homework due 3/5/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week, in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Please be ready to share, what you learned from reading your Story Book with the class on March 5th.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd Grade History

In class on February 19th, 2015, we listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) Chapter 5 learning about Major Washington who fought with the British against the French and Indians in the Ohio Valley.

I taught the class of how blessed we are with the rights we were given entailed in the Bill of Rights.  We discussed how communist countries like China do not have free speech, press, or the ability to assemble without government permission.

Students are working on reading their fourth book of important historical figures. They are sharing their excitement about discovering the great adventures our ancestors lived.

 Homework due 2/26/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Write down 3 sentences of what you found interesting in the Story Book.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240




3rd Grade History

In class on February 12th, 2015, several students read aloud Galatians 5:1. Hannah said we are free to believe in God. Olivia stated we are free to express our feelings and speak out. Audrey was thankful to worship God in public, not just in secret. Charlie enjoys his freedom to explore the surrounding woods by his house. Skylar appreciates his freedom to choose his future job. He wants to build bridges as an engineer.

We listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) Chapter 4 discovering how it was to live as a teenager in the 18th Century. George Washington traveled to Barbados with his older brother Lawrence, who was hoping the warmer weather would help his body to heal from Tuberculosis. Next week, we will learn about Major Washington who fought with the British against the French and Indians in the Ohio Valley.

Students are working on reading their third book of important historical figures. They are sharing their excitement about discovering the great adventures our ancestors lived.

 Homework due 2/19/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Write down 3 sentences of what you found interesting in the Story Book.  Extra credit opportunity if you draw a picture of Colonial times. IE. Guns, cannons, horses …

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240


3rd homework 2.5.15

3rd Grade History

In class on February 5th, 2015, several students read aloud Galatians 5:1. We talked about how freedom is precious, earned through courage and responsibility. I likened freedom to how chores need to be completed before we can play video games or watch TV.

We listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) Chapter 3 discovering how it was to live as a teenager in the 18th Century. George Washington in his early teens lost his father, but at seventeen he taught himself to survey by reading books and pursuing his love for math.

Four students shared stories about their families to Charlie’s fearless spirit catching gardner snakes with his bare hands. I think the students really appreciate each other sense for adventure, just like George Washington.

Homework due 2/12/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder. Each student will read about George Washington, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, Buffalo Bill, Columbus, and Leif the first to discover North America.

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Write down 3 to 5 sentences of what you found interesting in the Story Book. It can be written in outline form, if you want.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd grade homework 1.29.15

3rd Grade History

In class on January 29th, 2015, several students read aloud Mark 10:28-30. We had a classroom discussion of what it meant to them to leave everything for Jesus.

We listened to the audiobook George Washington (Heroes of History) Chapter 1 and 2 discovering how it was to live as a child in the 18th Century. George Washington had an amazing childhood filled with education and adventure.

Students presented stories, which had me hanging on the edge of my seat. Skylar left us in suspense to find out his “buddy” was his Grandpa rewarding him with ice cream for breakfast. All of the students were incredible. It is so neat to learn more about each child’s history in their lives and their family.

Homework due 2/5/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Read Story Book located in the manila folder

Day 2- Finish reading the Story Book

Day 3- Write down 3 to 5 sentences of what you found interesting in the Story Book.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240


3rd Grade History

In class on January 22nd, 2015, I reviewed with the students the rubric/grading scale for their future papers. We had a classroom discussion on how important it is to bring your Bible to class. I shared with them how the American Fore-Fathers believed the Bible was the most important book in the classroom. The majority of universities were found on Christian principles. Mandatory school was necessary in their eyes to never again fall under the oppression of the Aristocracy and Government elite.

I also read in our American History textbook the story of George Washington. Hopefully the new textbooks will arrive by next class so the students can read or be read to at home. We are having a lot of fun. Ask them to see their drawings on George Washington. Their drawings were amazing!

Our life is a story; we are making History. I shared with the class my story of creek walking as a kid with the dangers of flipping rocks for snakes, getting clay under rocks making sculptures, and seeing how far I could walk in a given day.

Homework due 1/29/2015: (students should be working on History 3 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1- Complete the US Map provided with all state and capital names, if you not already completed.

Day 2- Prepare a story ready to share with the class of yourself or a family member. Please keep under 5 minutes so we can hear every class member story.

Day 3- Write down Micah 6:8 and read aloud five times. Parents please discuss the meaning of this verse.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of the next generation.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240



3rd Grade History

In class on January 15, 2015, we listened to Your Story Hour “Honest John,” the story of John Wanamaker. This man of God forged the way to bringing the Golden Rule into retail by introducing price tags versus haggling. Students participated in a haggling role-play as a customer buying colored markers from the teacher all at different prices.

We also played the 50 State Bingo Game with each child earning a 50 state pencil for playing. While playing Bingo the students were given a U.S.A map where they located the called state and then wrote the name of the state and capital on their map.

Homework due 1/22/15 (students should be working on History 4 additional days a week in addition to the 1 day in class).

Day 1 – Complete the US Map provided in class with all state and capital names.

Day 2 – Research the Golden Rule. There are many scriptures in the Bible which teach the Golden Rule. Find 3 references of the Golden Rule in Scripture and write them on a piece of paper.

Day 3 – Write down 3 pieces of new information on John Wanamaker, which you did not hear in class.  3rd Grade History Rubric-Reading Comprehension

Day 4 – Every student must bring a spiral notebook for History notes. Students need to review their History notes on John Wanamaker.

Thank you for allowing me to invest in the lives of your children!

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240


3rd Grade History

In class on January 8, 2015, read the story Poor Richard: Colonial America Produces a Genius 1706-1790: Benjamin Franklin’s life story.

We also worked on memorizing the fifty states and capitals by playing a game.  The challenge for students is to see how many people they know who were born in different states. Whoever can identify people representing the most states/capitals will win 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes!

For example:

Person State/Born Capital
Jasmine Bell California Sacramento
Olivia’s Mom Michigan Lansing
Many students Ohio Columbus
Skylar Yoder Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Ethan Simpson Virginia Richmond

Homework due 1/15/15:

  • Complete state & capital game
  • Feel free to research and discover with your child the amazing life of one of our Founding Fathers.

Call or email me with any questions.

Jeff Lee

(937) 765-7240


Jessica Woodward and Elizabeth Peebles

jwoodward@chesschristian.com or epeebles@chesschristian.com

Due Oct 30th: Some children did not finish their Inuit Igloos or their Tlingit Totem Poles. Please finish and bring to class next week.

Digging Deeper: We will be studying the Nez Perce (Nimi ipuu) next week so if you want to explore the Plateau region (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho), tipis, longhouses, and bows and arrows; these would all go along with our new tribe for next week.

Due Oct 16:

3rd Grade: This unit we will be studying Native Americans. This past week we studied the Inuit. Students were asked to write a story on the papers provided to them in class about a day in the life of an Inuit child.

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